Honoring Our Protectors: A Celebration of the U.S. National Guard's 387 Years of Service

As we look back at the history of our country, one of the key pieces that have kept us safe and secure has been the National Guard.


Created in 1636, this heroic group has now been serving us for 387 years. At Evocati PR, we take pride in playing a small part in helping these brave men and women get their message out and celebrate their dedication to our country.

Why The Guard Is Awesome

The U.S. National Guard is a reserve component of the U.S. Army and Air Force, comprising both Army National Guard and Air National Guard units across all 50 states and territories in the U.S.

The National Guard is a vital component of our nation's defense and has played a crucial role in every major conflict that our nation has been involved in. They have been first responders during natural disasters and emergencies, and have been instrumental in helping rebuild communities affected by these disasters. The National Guard continues to serve as an essential component of the homeland defense, and their contributions to our nation's security cannot be overstated.

Our Gratitude

At Evocati PR, we are honored to showcase The National Guard today. We understand the importance of their mission and are proud to play a role in helping them to communicate their message to the public. We will continue to promote The National Guard and its invaluable contributions to the safety and security of our great nation.

Happy 387th birthday to America's National Guard!

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Dylan Steadman

Dylan is an Account Supervisor at Evocati PR. Learn more about Dylan here.


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