The Top PR and Marketing Strategies for Nonprofits in 2024

With decades leading nonprofit PR, we've identified the top 5 areas you should focus your PR and marketing efforts this year.

It's a Tough Slog Out There

Nonprofits often assume their mission is enough to garner automatic media attention. That may be true for unique leaders in the industry, but breaking through in a crowded space is often a slog.

Today you're competing with other nonprofits to secure donors and volunteers using minimal operating funds and people. You feel like have to double your PR and marketing efforts to reach your audiences and bring them into the fold instead of placing your team’s time and resources elsewhere.

According to Hubspot, in 2021, "Nonprofits raised $78 for every 1,000 fundraising messages sent" and noted, "one in four donors aged 18 - 29 wants social media communication from nonprofits."

READ MORE: 25 Nonprofit Marketing Statistics for 2023 |

This means the right PR, marketing, and branding can increase brand recognition and your fundraising amounts. But how can you do this on a shoestring budget with minimal staff? Focus on strategically aligning your abilities today with your anticipated PR objectives. We can help you do that!

Here are the Top 5 PR and marketing strategies your nonprofit can implement today to improve results.

Number One: Be Your Own Advocate


Put yourself first. Get in front of media.

It's no one's job to talk about you, but it's your job to convince them to talk about you. The name of the game is media pitching, and without strong pitches, you will remain out of the spotlight. We’ve covered the many keys for crafting the perfect pitch in previous articles. Be sure to read those before you begin creating your pitch.

If you wait for the media to talk about you or reach out to you for a story, you’ll be waiting for publicity for a long time and experience lackluster growth.

You have to put yourself in front of journalists if you ever hope to be in front of readers.

Number Two: Simplify

Simple branding and marketing are an asset.

Your marketing and branding materials need to be clean and concise. This includes websites, social media accounts and posts, email campaigns, press releases, logos, colors, fonts, and everything in between.

READ MORE: Revamps that Resonate: Successful Brand Reimaginations that Made Their Mark | Evocati PR

With unlimited options at our fingertips at all times, you are constantly competing for attention. It is hard enough to grab attention, don't lose it for avoidable reasons like a hard-to-read font or color combination. No fluff, all substance, and every page or post should have a clear call to action.

Download Our Comprehensive Guide

Ready to learn more?

To see the other three actionable strategies we've identified, click here to download the FREE guide and gain deeper insight into PR and marketing strategies your nonprofit can implement today.


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Dylan Steadman

Dylan is an Account Supervisor at Evocati PR. Learn more about Dylan here.


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