A Celebration of French Fries

At long last, National French Fry Day is upon us...

Celebrating the Humble Fry

National French Fry Day is, as you can imagine, one of our favorite days of the year. Not only is it an excuse to enjoy french fries, but it is an obligation. Our founding fathers knew that the french fry deserved (at least) a day to be commemorated. Thankfully, today is that day.

Whether you are going to McDonald's for your FREE fries, buying a bag of frozen golden crinkles, or frying up homemade ones, we hope you enjoy.

Expressing our Fry-titude

We won't bore you with the history of the french fry, or any other tidbits that will take away from your #FryTime. Instead, we will keep this brief.

All we want to do is thank America's favorite vegetable, the potato, for providing us with the french fry. Without you, today would just be another boring Thursday.

And we'd like to express our fry-titude to our clients at the National Potato Council for their work representing America's potato growers who make this delicious dish a reality for billions of fry lovers across the globe. Their work makes the 714,000+ jobs which provide $34.1 billion in annual wages possible.


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Dylan Steadman

Dylan is an Account Supervisor at Evocati PR. Learn more about Dylan here.


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