From Intern to Industry Pro: My Journey at Evocati PR
Reflecting on my Internship with Evocati PR on National Intern Day
Getting Started
In August 2023 I joined a Veteran-Mentorship program at Washington State University (Go Cougs!). As a Marine in PR, I did not have high expectations to get connected to someone that could relate to me too much. Then I was referred to Barrett, a Marine veteran in PR. I was just excited to learn that I wasn't the only one.
Then all of a sudden about 20 minutes into our first meeting, Barrett asked if I would be interested in an internship at his company, Evocati PR. After about, one maybe two seconds of thinking, I told him "YES! That would be great!"
Now, here's what went well, what didn't go so well, why you should get an internship, and why you should hire an intern.
The Fun Stuff
Source: Evocati PR
Now, I have been a college student throughout my time at Evocati PR, so it's no surprise that getting paid has been fantastic. Making money working in PR is a lot more fun than paying money to learn how to work in PR (no offense Professor Barnes!).
More importantly than money, I have learned so much in the last 10 months, probably too much. I have written more blog posts, press releases, and emails than I thought was possible, while attending more meetings than the President (I'm pretty sure). Yet, everyday I'm still learning how to do all of those things more efficiently.
Lastly for the pros, I no longer have to mention my seven months at Pizza Hut or the few months I worked in construction when I was 17 as "Job Experience" on my resume.
I also don't have to ask family friends to be my references, I have real ones now! I have made so many relationships and connections with people all over the country and in countless industries.
What I Learned Along the Way
Source: Evocati PR
Truly, I don't have much that hasn't gone so great, and I'm not just saying that because this is the company website.
Of course I lost some free time. I had to set a better sleep schedule, make a real schedule to stay on top of everything, be more intentional with my time, and do all of that adult stuff.
I have made many, many mistakes while working here. I have written pages of notes on what not to do when writing press releases and blog posts, because I have done them. I also have pages of notes with "______" littered throughout because I did not know what we were talking about in a meeting and had to go back and ask later. I even have many emails detailing ideas I had in meetings, but didn't mention (because I was nervous), even though I had been told many times to throw my ideas out.
You'll Be Far From Perfect. So Start as an Intern.
No matter your intelligence, work ethic, confidence, or anything else, you will struggle and feel like a fish out of water when you start in an industry. That is why internships exist! Before you don your cap and gown, go out and get an internship. You will end up so happy you did and be much better because of it. I promise.
Gratitude Time
Source: Evocati PR
Of course, overall, I am extremely grateful for this opportunity and it has helped me in more ways than I can count. This internship has been so much more than I ever could have hoped when I started. It's only fitting I end with some thank you's.
Thank you to Barrett, Mark, and the rest of the Evocati PR team for welcoming me and helping me learn so much more than they realize (also, for flying me to Denver and San Antonio for our client events!).
Thank you to Soldiers' Angels and the National Potato Council for trusting me to work on their PR needs, embracing my ideas, and just being great people to work with.
Thank you to all of my professors and the other WSU faculty that gave me the foundation to reach this point, especially Matt Beer who connected me with Barrett in the first place.
Lastly, thank you to all of my friends and family who have encouraged and supported me since the start.