National Agriculture Day - A Day to Celebrate the Plethora Provided by Agriculture

Every year on #NationalAgricultureDay, we recognize and celebrate the abundance provided by #agriculture. This day is a reminder of how grateful we are for the growers who dedicate their lives to producing the food we eat every day. It's also a day to reflect on the important role that agriculture plays in our economy and our way of life, often from behind the scenes.

This Ag Day marks the 50th anniversary of the celebration and appreciation for agriculture. #Ag is often an overlooked industry, and its workers are the unsung heroes of our economy, society, and way of life.

Between the 50th anniversary, the recent release of the National Potato Council's Spud Nation Economic Impact Report of the U.S. Potato Sector, and the record-breaking #PotatoExpo in January, there is a lot for us to celebrate today.

Measuring the Economic Significance of the U.S. Potato Industry was a groundbreaking report release. The report found over $100.9 billion was generated by the potato industry, including growers. About .4% of the U.S. labor force is employed by the #potato industry.

There's a lot to celebrate in the potato industry. Potato Expo 2023 in Colorado did not just return to pre-pandemic numbers but surpassed them. Record-breaking attendance for all Expos held outside of Las Vegas. The post-COVID excitement of industry professionals and the fantastic act featuring Ted Allen, Chef Duff Goldman, and Chef Simon Majumdar, along with Evocati PR's contributions helped the Expo shatter ceilings.

There are many ways you can show your appreciation for your U.S. agricultural #growers and community members. First, eat your fruits and vegetables! Only 9% of adults ate the recommended amount of vegetables and 12% of adults ate the recommended amount of fruit, according to a CDC analysis. Eating your fruits and veggies isn't just good for your health -- it supports jobs up and down the supply chain.

Second, share this post and others featuring #AgDay2023. Show your support to the individuals dedicated to the tireless work of agriculture.

The future is bright. We are incredibly proud to work with NPC and happy to celebrate our potato growers and agricultural workers. Thank you all.


Dylan Steadman

Dylan is an Account Supervisor at Evocati PR. Learn more about Dylan here.


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