CITNF is BACK with HUGE Features over the last THREE Weeks

We have a New National Potato Council President and Soldiers' Angels partners with the Girl Scouts of the USA and All Ways Caring HomeCare

#PotatoGrower RJ Andrus of TBR Farms in Idaho Falls, Idaho, has been announced as the new President of the National Potato Council. RJ has been an NPC Executive Committee member since 2019 as the VP of Grower Outreach and Industry Research and VP of Legislative Affairs. He also is currently serving as the Vice-Chairman of the Potato LEAF Board. Learn more about RJ and the rest of the NPC Executive Committee here <HYPERLINK>.

Soldiers' Angels has partnered with the Girl Scouts of the USA in their Care to Share program, simultaneously helping our youth and our troops. President and CEO of Soldiers' Angels Amy Palmer said, "With their support, we are able to provide a taste of home that helps make being away from home more bearable for deployed Service Members." As the Girl Scouts are currently facing a down year in donations, those #deployed will not be receiving that taste of home they are craving. Click here to learn more and make a donation <HYPERLINK>.

Our #client Soldiers' Angels did not stop there, however. Their recent partnership on the "Women of Valor" campaign with All Ways Caring HomeCare is working to increase the quality of life of the caregivers and families of post-9/11 #veterans and #servicemembers. This collaboration creates a variety of ways of creating a stronger community between the Women of Valor and other 'Angel' volunteers and bettering support for the physical and mental health of the selfless #caregivers. You can find out more about the ways these two organizations are serving our #military caregivers here <HYPERLINK>.

We're excited to continue giving our clients #PRWithaPurpose and showcase their exciting news every single Friday.

#SquaredAway #CITNF #Potato #MilitaryConnected

Dylan Steadman

Dylan is an Account Supervisor at Evocati PR. Learn more about Dylan here.


A Tribute, and Thank You, to the Marines, Soldiers, Sailors, and Airmen Awarded the Medal of Honor


National Agriculture Day - A Day to Celebrate the Plethora Provided by Agriculture