Squared Away

A curated blog by Evocati PR

Featuring company and client news, opinion, research + tips and resources for PR professionals.

Team RWB Sets Sights on World Record, Evocati PR Amplifies the Mission
Dylan Steadman Dylan Steadman

Team RWB Sets Sights on World Record, Evocati PR Amplifies the Mission

Join Evocati PR in supporting Team RWB's mission to break the world record at the Old Glory Ultra Relay as featured in Stars & Stripes. Discover how this inspiring event highlights the importance of veteran health and wellness, showcasing the power of teamwork and resilience. Stay updated on this remarkable journey and learn how Evocati PR amplifies impactful stories.

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Soldiers’ Angels Joins FOX News to Talk Ending Veteran Hunger
Dylan Steadman Dylan Steadman

Soldiers’ Angels Joins FOX News to Talk Ending Veteran Hunger

Thanks to the hard work of Evocati PR, for the third year running, Soldiers' Angels made an impactful appearance on the FOX News Channel to discuss their monthly food distribution events and help alleviate food insecurity among military-connected communities. As proud representatives of this amazing organization, we're constantly working to raise awareness about their important programs.

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